Friday 19 April 2013


Checklist comprises of below mentioned categories:

  • Network specific checks
  • Device specific checks.
  • App UI checks.
  • App specific checks. (These are related with functionality that is frequently used in an app.)
  • Store specific checks

Network Specific Checks

Does the app behave as per specification if connected to the internet via Wi-Fi?

Does the app behave as per specification if connected to the internet via 2G?

Does the app behave as per specification if connected to the internet via 3G?

How the app behave if out of network reach?

How the app behave if it is in low network reach?

Does the app behave as per specification if navigating through application screens and Airplane mode is activated.

Does the app behave as per specification if while playing media content, Airplane mode is activated.

Does the app behave as per specification if while initiating a call from Device, Airplane mode is activated.

Does the app behave as per specification if while sending a SMS from Device, Airplane mode is activated.

Does the app resume working when it gets back into network reach from outside reach of the network?

Does the update transactions are processed correctly after re-establishing connection. 

Does the app still work correctly when tethering or otherwise connected to another device

What is the behaviour of the app if network switches between  (Wi-Fi, 3G, 2G)

Does the app use standard network ports (Mail: 25, 143, 465, 993 or 995 HTTP: 80 or 443 SFTP: 22) to connect to remote services, ( as some providers block certain ports.)

Thursday 18 April 2013

Steps for Connecting to the Remote Servers


1. Download the PuTTYgen and PuTTY from the URL:
2. Generate the SSH Key Pair (Public Key & Private Key) using PuTTYgen by following the steps mentioned at URL:
3. Save the Public Key and Private Key. Public key needs to be on the server that you want to connect to and Private key is to be used on the system that you are using to connect to remote server.
Settings to be done in Putty: 

1. Sessions Settings
Host Name (or IP Address):
Port: 22
Connection Type: SSH
2. Then goto Connection >> SSH >> Tunnels
Add new forwarded port:
Source port: 3306
Destination: localhost:3306
Click on the "Local" radio button.
Click "Add"
3. Then goto Connection >> SSH >> Auth
Browse the Private Key in the field: Private Key file for Authentication
4. Go back to Session settings, type a name for Saved session and click "Save". Then click "Open"

From Next time just need to select the saved session and then click on Load then Open OR simply double click on the session name to get connected.

Getting the Logs on the server: 
  1. Navigate to directory: /opt/ac/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
  2. Write a command : ‘tail –n 1000 catalina.out >> Logs’ – (This command will get you the last 1000 lines from Catalina.out and will copy into a file named Logs and save it to the current directory)
  3. Now use command cat <filename> to read the contents of the files. In this case it should be ‘cat Log’
 Other commands that can help : 
  1. To move one folder back: cd ..
  2. To see the files and folders in a particular directory: ls OR ls –l
  3. To get inside a folder: cd <foldername>
  4. To remove the files/folders: rm <file/foldername> 
Using WinSCP for fetching the files from Remote (Linux server) server to your local system. 
  1. Download and Install WinSCP using the URL:
  2. Provide the Host Name as Provided in Putty configuration and Upload the Private Key (the one used in Putty configuration)
  3. Then Connect. 

Wednesday 17 April 2013

How to measure and analyze the testing efficiency?

Measurements or Metrics or Stats are the common terms you would hear in every management meeting. Some basic numbers that reflect speed of testing, coverage of testing, efficiency of testing are described here. If all these indicators move up, we can definitely be confident that the testing efficiency is getting better.

Test planning rate (TPR). TPR = Total number of test cases planned / total person-hours spent on planning. This number indicates how fast the testing team thinks, articulates the tests and documents the tests.

Bug Dispute Rate (BDR). BDR = Number of bugs rejected by development team / Number of total bugs posted by testing team. A high number here leads to unwanted arguments between the two teams.

Test execution rate (TER). TER = Total number of test cases executed / total person-hours spent on execution. This indicates the speed of testers in executing the same.

Planning Miss (PM).  PM = Number of adhoc test cases that are framed at the time of execution / Number of test cases planned before execution. This indicates, whether the testers are able to plan the tests based on the documentation and understanding levels. This number must be as less as possible, but it is very difficult to achieve zero level in this.

Requirements coverage (RC). Ideal goal is 100% coverage. But it is very tough to say how many test cases will cover 100% of requirements. But there is a simple range you mus assume. If we test each requirement in just 2 different ways - 1 positive and 1 negative, we need 2N number of test cases, where N is the number of distinct requirements. On an average, most of the commercial app requirements can be done with 8N test cases. So, the chances of achieving 100% coverage is high if you try to test every requirement in 8 different ways. Not all requirements may need an eight-way approach.

There is a set of metrics that reflect the efficiency of the development team, based on the bugs found by the testing team. Those metrics do not really reflect the efficiency of the testing team; but without testing team, those metrics cannot be calculated. Here are a few of those.

Bug Fix Rate (BFR). BFR = Total number of hours spent on fixing bugs / total number of bugs fixed by dev team. This indicates the speed of developers  in fixing the bugs.

Bug Bounce Chart (BBC). BBC is not just a number, but a line chart. On the X axis, we need to plot the build numbers in sequence. Y axis contains how many New+ReOpen bugs are found in each build. Ideally this graph must keep dropping towards zero, as quickly as possible. But if we see a swinging pattern, like sinusoidal wave, it indicates, new bugs are getting injected build over build, due to regression effects. After code-freeze, product companies must keep a keen watch on this chart.

Number of re-opened bugs. This absolute number is an indicator of how many potential bad-fixes or regression effects are injected into the application, by the development team. Ideal goal is zero for this.

Ten Software Testing Myths

10. The tester’s task is easy: he should merely write and execute the test cases by translating requirements to test cases. Additionally log some bugs.

9. Every test case is documented. Otherwise, how on earth can we expect to do regression testing and in general repeat testing?

8. Test case Reviews are a one-time effort. All you have to do is take an artifact after it is completed, and verify that it is correct. Test case reviews, for example, should merely verify that *all* requirements are covered by test cases and EVERY REQUIREMENT is COVERED by AT LEAST ONE TEST CASE.

7. Software Testing should be like manufacturing. Each of us is a robot in an assembly line. Given a certain input, we should be able to come up automatically with the right output. Execute a set of test cases (should execute 100 test cases a day) and report pass/fail status.

6. Software Testing has nothing to do with creativity. Creativity – what? The only part which requires creativity is designing your assembly line of test case design. From that point on, everyone should just be obedient.

5. Creativity and discipline cannot live together. Creativity equals chaos. [This one remains unchanged from original list of software development myths]

4. The answer to every challenge we face in the software industry lies in defining a process. That process defines the assembly line without which we are doomed to work in a constant state of chaos. [BIG ONE …This one remains unchanged from original list of software development myths]

3. Processes have nothing to do with people. You are merely defining inputs and outputs for different parts of your machine.

2. If a process is not 100% repeatable, it is not a process. Letting people adapt the process and do “whatever they want” is just going back to chaos again.

1. Quality is all about serving the customer. Whatever the customer wants, he should get. Things that don’t concern your customer should not be of interest to you.