Mobile Testing

Usability test cases: mobile application

1. “Getting started” task: sending a SMS.
2. Opening the received SMS, opening a WAP page mentioned in the message.
3. Downloading the test application to the device.
4. Finding and opening the downloaded application.
5. Using the application to view images shared by a friend.
6. Downloading the shared picture to the phone.
7. Taking a picture using the camera of the phone, saving it to home computer.
8. Giving rights to a friend to view the picture saved on the home computer.
9. Closing the application.
10. Deleting the application.

Comman Usability Problem 

1. Cannot find the download link from WAP 
2. Does not find the price 
3. Difficulties in exiting the browser 
4. Difficulties in finding the application after the download
5. Difficulties in understanding the concept of giving access rights
6. Added buddy but did not give access rights to computer 
7. Did not save the changes after giving the rights 
8. Gives up the deletion of the application 
9. Gives up at least one task during the test 
10. Adding recipient problematic 
11. Cursor move causes problems 
12. Unclear whether the download process has started 
13. Download dialogue problematic 
14. Reloads application, not sure if it was already downloaded 
15. Tries to send picture from camera apps (wrong place) 
16. Tries to send picture from list of devices (wrong place) 
17. Tries to send picture from tab (wrong place) 
18. Tries to throw the application to trash bin 
19. Tries to delete the application from wrong folder 
20. Download time problematic