Showing posts with label Localization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Localization. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Localization Testing

What Localization Testing means?

Localization testing is performed to ensure that the localized product is fully functional, linguistically accurate, and that no issues have been introduced during the localization process. It involves testing of the localized product in accordance with national language standards, searching for un-translated text in the user interface, verifying consistency of formats (date formats, number formats, etc.), verifying accordance with capitalization rules and proper use of alphabets, verification of correct use of currencies, etc.

GUI Testing

Graphical User Interface (GUI) testing ensures that the user interface of a product contains no defects such as truncated strings, overlapping controls, misaligned controls, duplicated hotkeys, etc. introduced during the localization phase.
GUI testing can be automated, reducing significantly the cost and duration of this type of testing.

User Assistance Testing

User Assistance Testing consists mainly of technical QA of a product's user assistance and on-line help. Our testers ensure that user assistance documentation is completely localized, the original layout is kept intact and that all external and internal hyperlinks work as intended.
This testing step includes all the stages of compiling, engineering, bug fixing and script generation of the user assistance content, and has become a largely automated yet complex activity. It answers client questions such as: How can I be sure my local-language versions and locales are correct and functional? How can I meet daily change-of-content QA demands? How can I verify links in large-content volumes? We use the latest methodologies and tools for content verification.

Internationalization (I18N) Testing

Internationalization testing of products aims to uncover international functionality issues prior to the products' global release through product testing. This technique tests whether the product was correctly adapted to work under different languages and regional settings (ability to display accented characters, to run on non-English operating systems, to display the correct numbering system thousands and decimal separators, etc.).
This type of testing equally includes pseudo-localization testing on the internationalized build to identify potential localization user interface concerns. It also helps uncover issues that may increase the costs of localization and future product support later on.